Adams County Works
A ready workforce is critical for businesses and industry to remain competitive and thrive in the global marketplace. That is why Quincy & Adams County, IL have taken significant steps to invest in the region’s workforce for today and for the future.
Adams County Works Teams focus on 3 areas for strategic workforce development. Representatives from businesses, education, social services and economic development are identifying and overcoming barriers to employment to meet your future workforce needs.
We welcome new team members. Please contact the GREDF office to join a team.
Adams County Works Teams:
Career Guidance
Preparing youth to enter the workforce
Mission Statement: “Encourage, Educate & Connect, Encourage and foster awareness of careers; educate youth and job seekers about area career opportunities; build connections between families and local employers.”
Work Readiness
Developing job seekers
Mission Statement: “Developing work ready citizens to become successful, productive members of the regional workforce.”
Transition Planning
Advancing current workers
Mission Statement: “Nurturing current employees to help advance their level of workplace essential skills to sustain and grow the organization’s competitive advantage.”