January 13, 2016
January 13, 2016
January 13, 2016
January 13, 2016
January 13, 2016

[share] The new Quincy/Adams County community brand – Right on Q – was unveiled during a public announcement following the Great River Economic Development Foundation Annual Meeting on January 13, 2016, at the Oakley-Lindsay Center in Quincy. The brand tag line is Right on Q and the logo mark is a distinct Q shape that… More

January 12, 2016

[share]  GREDF is two years into a three-year strategic plan for economic development. The plan guides our organization’s investment of time and limited financial resources in initiatives, programs and projects. It is a product of feedback and guidance from the business community. And it exists, GREDF exists, to serve that business community.  Our mission at… More

January 12, 2016
December 31, 2015

[share] Every community has a brand reputation or identity… what people say about them when they’re not around. More than a year ago, nine community organizations decided to work together to propel the image of our community forward. We formed the Brand Quincy/Adams County Partnership with the purpose of developing a cohesive, distinct and memorable… More

December 15, 2015

[share]Developed by the Adams County Works Work Readiness Team, the Work Ready Toolbox helps job seekers build the skills they need to succeed in today’s workplace. The Toolbox, which is located on the United Way of Adams County website, includes videos, tips and mini-lessons designed for individuals who need assistance with essential workplace skills.  The Adams… More

November 6, 2015

[share] Baby Boomer Gap Workforce Survey   CLICK HERE TO TAKE THE SURVEY.   On behalf of the Adams County Works Transition Planning Team, we would like to invite Adams County employers to participate in a brief survey entitled, “Adams County Baby Boomer Gap”. The deadline to complete the survey is Wednesday, November 11, 2015. The… More