Business Retention & Expansion
A main focus of our team is Business Retention & Expansion, which includes making both company visits, as well as frequent need or project-based outreach. These visits can be introductory, or targeted data-gathering meetings with five goals in mind:
- Identify businesses with plans to expand
- Identify businesses at risk of leaving or downsizing
- Identify business and community opportunities
- Provide assistance
- Build relationships
Project-Based Outreach include:
- Learning about incentives
- Site selection
- New developments
- Market research
- Marketing & outreach
All visits are a chance for your company to learn more about what is going on in Quincy & Adams County, what local and state resources are available, and any potential B2B or B2C opportunities. We want to know more about you and how we can help you succeed and grow.
Click to contact us for a Company Visit